Support Us
Your donations make a big difference!
We are very fortunate and thankful to have the great support of family, friends and the community in Halton Hills and beyond. Last year your generous donations helped us to purchase much needed equipment, such as the shower chair below. We were also able to purchase walkers and physio equipment for our residents to help with their rehabilitation and physical health. Your donations also helped provide stimulating, therapeutic programs.
Thank you for your continued support! Please consider supporting our fundraising events this year or donating via the blue button, as we continue to celebrate another year of health!
Remember no amount is too small and every donation is appreciated and goes directly to benefitting the wellbeing of our wonderful residents!!
Fundraising Events

Annual Holiday Appeal
Dear Friends,
Your Support is Critical This Holiday Season
This holiday season, we are reaching out with an urgent appeal for your help. The demands on our resources continue to grow, and your support of our Annual Holiday Appeal is critical to ensuring we can provide the programs, services, and care that our residents rely on daily. From enhancing social and physical activities to meeting basic needs, your generosity directly impacts the quality of life for some of the most vulnerable members of our community.
This year, as you plan your charitable giving this season, Giving Tuesday falls on December 3rd, 2024, a Global Day of Generosity and an ideal time to make a meaningful impact. Your donation to our annual appeal, no matter the size, ensures we can continue to meet the growing needs of our residents.
We also want to remind you that due to the ongoing postal strike, the quickest and most secure way to contribute is online. Visit our website at and click the “Donate” button, and choose the ‘Annual Holiday Appeal 2024’ option to make a one-time donation or consider becoming a monthly donor.
If you’d like to discuss making a significant gift toward our development project and becoming an essential part of building our new home, please contact Carol Rame, Associate Director of Development at
If you have already donated to our Annual Holiday Appeal, thank you! Your generosity ensures we can continue to deliver the compassionate care that makes a difference in the lives of our residents.
Your support is not just appreciated—it is vital. Together, we can ensure that our residents receive the care and dignity they deserve.
Wishing you and your loved ones a warm and wonderful holiday season.
Thank you for standing with us.
Brian Clark
Chair of the Board of Bennett Village

Holiday Food Drive 2024
After a successful holiday food drive last year, we are excited to be doing it again! Help us collect 300lbs of food donations for the Georgetown Bread Basket in time for the busy holiday season. This holiday season let’s spread some cheer and warmth to those in need!
Please drop off your food donation in our donation box at the Bennett Centre, between Nov 18th and Dec 18th.
This year some of our staff and volunteers will also be accepting food donations every Tuesday outside the ‘indoor’ entrance of Walmart at Georgetown Market Place, from November 19th to December 17th between 11am and 2pm.
We look forward to meeting the community!
Your food donation will help fill plates and hearts with joy. Together, we can make this season brighter and more joyful for those facing hardships.
Thank you for sharing the magic of the holidays with others!
For more info contact Sonia at
91% of families said they would recommend Bennett Centre to family and friends
"Being here makes me happy and healthy"
Laura has lived at the Bennett for 10 years and is the Bennett’s Resident Council President. She has an obvious green thumb and fills her days doing art, crocheting, mingling with fellow residents and visiting with her large family. She loves the Bennett and thinks the world of our staff; an extended part of her family.
Our Employees of the month for January are Kuldeep and Elizabeth